August 2, 2017

1. Often times when we take a picture of someone, we place them right in the middle of the screen; however having them off center is actually more naturally pleasing to the eye. The iPhone has a feature that makes it easy for you to line up your photos using the “rule of thirds”. The Grid feature will literally place a grid on your camera screen dividing it into thirds so you can see the best place to pose your subject. If your subject is a person, have them stand centered in one of the three columns. If you are shooting the horizon, line it up with one of the vertical lines. To turn this feature on, go to your Settings, into Photos & Camera, and turn on Grid. Play around with it and become a real photographer in no time!

iPhone Camera Grid Feature

2. We’ve all seen that HDR icon at the top of the camera screen, but does anyone know what it does? HDR stands for High Dynamic Range. This feature combines three different exposures to give you the best possible image. HDR makes your images look professional and crisp.

What Is HDR iPhone Setting

3. Did you know your volume buttons can act as a shutter button? Back to those selfies…if you don’t want to have to use both hands to take your selfie, use one hand and just click either of the volume buttons. If you’re trying to be sneaky and take a picture of someone, you can also use the volume buttons on your headphones to take a picture. Just open the camera and click your volume button and no one will ever know you took a picture of them!

4. Do you ever look through old photos and cannot remember where it was taken? Geotagging will actually keep track of the locations of each photo. To turn this on, go to Settings, then Privacy, and turn on Location Services. You can turn on Location Services for everything, or you can manually choose what you want to turn on, just make sure to have it on for your Photos. After you take the picture, you can go into your Photos app and go to Albums, and you’ll see one called Places. You can now view all of the places you have taken each picture!

Quick iPhone Camera Tips

5. Social media apps can be difficult when it comes to posting a photo. You think the photo is great until you notice something is cut out of the picture because it won’t all fit. The square feature at the bottom of the camera screen provides a square frame for you so you don’t have to crop anyone out of the picture later. When you go to upload the image to Instagram, it’ll be the perfect size.

Taking Square iPhone Photos


If you have an iPhone 7 Plus, you have what’s called the Portrait mode. This is by far the coolest feature! This feature gives your photos depth perception. Tap on your focal point within 8 feet from you, and watch your subject become the only thing in focus. Everything else blurs out so it gives an amazing 3D effect. Your phone will help you out with this by telling you if you need to move closer or farther away. This one is so fun to play around with!

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By Phyllis Merrell
On September 16, 2017

Very informative. Thanks!

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